Bouquet Fleurie, in a bright atmosphere, almost lemon.
This model is intended to be elegant, acidic and fresh !
Tights Flavie, of Latin etimology wich mean blond. A flower bouquet, in a sunny almost lemony atmosphere. This tight is elegant, sour and fresh. This design is a part of the 2022 collection: Nature Jolie
Drawn and printed on premises in Fleurieu on Saône.
The drawings of sizes 4 are larger than the drawings of size 1, in order to better adapt to the leg. Printing on the entire leg suitable for different sizes.
Marie Antoilette tights received the prize from the Intima Creator lingerie at the international lingerie fair in 2014.
Marie Antoilette received the LVE "heartburn" prize in the city of Lyon in 2014.
She received the Golden Swan Heart Prize awarded by the Val de Saône to companies in 2016.